Unidos en Cristo

Unidos en Cristo

Welcome to Unidos en Cristo (Spanish for United in Christ)

A short course in Christian living

An encounter with grace

Unidos en Cristo (UEC) focuses on the person and Biblical teachings of Jesus Christ.  The objective of UEC is to inspire, challenge, and equip individuals for Christian action in their homes, churches, and communities.

Participants find themselves growing in their faith, drawing nearer to God, and discovering new purpose and meaning for their lives.  Spiritual renewal and grace help individuals focus on their faith in action.  Additionally, many make life-long friends.  Note that:

  • The weekends are held at various churches in the Twin Cities and Outstate Minnesota usually twice a year.  They begin on a Thursday night and end Sunday evening.
  • A series of talks are given.  Following each talk, small group discussions focus on the main points of the talk.  The interconnected talks help participants think about how to align themselves to God’s will for their lives.
  • The weekends include food, music, singing, fellowship, laughter, friendship, and prayer.
  • Clergy are available for spiritual guidance on an individual basis.

Keep an open mind and heart while attending a UEC weekend.  Christ is counting on you!

Unidos 1
Unidos 2

An encounter with yourself.

An encounter with God.

An encounter with others

The Cursillo Movement and the Christian Life

Unidos en Cristo originated out of the Cursillo movement. Cursillo is a Spanish word meaning a short course. It is an abbreviated form of Cursillo de Cristiandad (short course to prepare Christians).

It is not a theoretical course, nor is it a retreat. It is first and foremost an experience. It must be lived. It is a life-changing experience to bring discovery of the basis of Christianity and its fundamental significance to our lives.

Cursillo is a movement within the Church which offers the essential individual and group experiences which are the basis of Christian life.

The ultimate goal of these experiences is: to help Christians discover and put into practice their personal callings, and; working with others, to become catalysts in the evangelization of society as a whole.

Faith Church – Minnetonka, Minnesota