Transformation Church

Transformation Church

Faith Church’s passion for Global Missions and church planting is evident through our relationship with Pastor Kim Bahige and the planting of Transformation Church in Burundi, Africa.


Transformation Church

Transformation Church’s main mission is based on Jesus’s Great Commission (Matthew 28:19,20). The church has long range dreams of building hospitals, schools, orphanages and counseling centers for those who have been mentally or emotionally wounded by violence and unstable political situations, which are common in Africa.

Faith Church supports our friend, Kim, as he spreads the Gospel message and is one whom God has chosen to grow the Church in Africa.

Pastor Kim Bahige

Kim Bahige is the senior pastor and a founder of Transformation Church in Burundi, Africa.   

In his home country, The Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kim’s life was threatened by political extremists because of his Christian work.  He sought refuge in North America in 2018.  Eventually, finding housing in our church neighborhood in Minnetonka,  Kim became our friend and a member of Faith Church that fall.

After almost three long years here, Kim was reunited with his wife and children in the neighboring country of Burundi, Africa. Kim felt God’s leading to start a church in his new home. In fall of 2021, Kim began with a small congregation of 4, plus his family.  In early 2023 the church had an average Sunday attendance of 250-280 people!  They had baptized 82 people!

Film & Video
Film & Video
Faith Church – Minnetonka, Minnesota