Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministry

Please contact the church for help!

Faith's Stephen Ministry is a Christian care giving ministry for people who are experiencing tough times that could include such things as job loss, loss of a spouse or family member, financial difficulties, illness, aging or needing to move from their home to a care facility.  

Isolation Loneliness
Uncertainty About The Future
Anxiety Over Health
Financial Strain

Need Someone to Listen?

Receivers of care from Stephen Ministers come from our own membership as well as friends and family referred by Faith’s members.  Care receivers meet one-on-one with an assigned, trained Stephen Minister where the relationship is held in confidence. Stephen Ministers provide emotional and spiritual support in a compassionate and caring Christian relationship.  

Becoming a Stephen Minister

Would you like to become a Christian caregiver through Stephen Ministry?  Serving in Faith’s Stephen Ministry is a way to serve others one-on-one as lay caregivers called Stephen Ministers.   

All Stephen Ministers are recruited from within the church’s membership and undergo 50 hours of training that encompasses how to listen to others, refrain from judgment, ask open ended questions and allow others to come up with their own solutions to fit their circumstances.  

Stephen Ministers are also taught about the importance of confidentiality in this high-quality, Christ-centered care. After training Stephen Ministers are assigned a care receiver and also meet for supervision groups twice a month, giving the Stephen Ministers an opportunity to check in, share about their caring and obtain continuing education.

Faith has members that have been part of Stephen Ministries for over twenty years.  They will tell you how they love their care receivers and continue their relationships even after the ministry with an individual has ended.  Many will also tell you that they get more than they give while doing this rewarding ministry.  

Our Stephen Ministers have a heart for others, are good and patient listeners and are able to let people to develop at their own pace.

Interested in becoming a Stephen Minister?

Faith Church – Minnetonka, Minnesota