High School

Faith Church Students

Join us Wednesday Evenings during the school year

All 6th-12th graders are invited!

Student ministry at Faith is focused on three main topics or guidelines: Foundation, Community, and Send.

Foundation asks the question: "What does it mean to be a follower of Jesus?"

Community asks: "How do we follow Jesus together?"

Send is all about being sent out as a disciple of Jesus.

Most nights will involve games, music, and some sort of teaching, usually with small-group discussion.

Our goal is to build a community of Jesus followers that is so much more than just a once a week gathering.

To be a community of Jesus' disciples by actively exploring Jesus' call to love God, ourselves, and our neighbors.

To participate in Faith Church's overall mission: inviting each other to experience life with Jesus in community; growing in our love of God, self, and neighbor; and sharing the hope of Jesus with the broken world around us.

Youth Ministry Contact:

Joel Schmieg | [email protected]

Faith Church – Minnetonka, Minnesota