Feed My Starving Children

Feed My Starving Children

Every day 18,000 children die of starvation.

If you’re looking for meaningful service work locally in the west metro, join us at FMSC!  You don’t need to be a member of Faith Church – everyone Kindergarten and older is welcome.

Volunteers work as teams, combining scoops of four ingredients to make sealed bags of nutritious meals that are boxed for shipment to children all over the world who desperately need them.

After the session, those who would like to, can go into the warehouse and pray that the cartons of food will get safely to their destinations and that God will bless the recipients. It’s a great opportunity for families to work together and its fun for individuals, too!

Join the Group

Contact the church office to inquire about the next event in which Faith Church will participate.


Faith Church – Minnetonka, Minnesota