Choir and Worship Band

Choir, Praise Band and the Arts





Interested in serving the Lord with your artistic talents?  Music in church worship is just one of the many ways to come together in service and get to know others who share a love of music!



Rehearsal Wednesdays 6:30 – 8pm in the Choir room. This group meets Set through May and take the summer months off. All who love to sing are welcome in this group of individuals who share a love for music and singing.


Worship Band

Do you play the drums, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, bass guitar or keyboard ? Join in practice Sundays at 8:30am and help lead the congregation in Sunday morning worship.

Stacey Flute

Orchestra and Instrumental Ensembles

Made up of brass, woodwinds, and strings, the orchestra enhances worship and allows for amazing Holiday and Special Event services. Also, many of the instrumentalists play in the pit orchestra for Faith Community Theatre's summer musical production. Have an instrument? Play with us!

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Sound and Light Technicians

Operation of the sound, lighting, live streaming and projection system is crucial to the worship services at Faith Church. If you are comfortable with technical equipment and have an ear for music and sound, please consider serving in this area.

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Drama & Performing Arts

Have a love of drama, dance, or other performing arts? Faith Community Theatre, started in 2010 and performs a musical theatre production in June of every summer with 7 performances and a cast of 30-40. We have also recently added a dessert theatre experience production in February with 6 performances.

In addition we try to utilize dance, bells, drama, mime and other artistic expressions in our two Christmas concerts called An Evening in December held the first Sunday in December. Share ideas with Worship and Fine Arts Director, Steve Zehr!


Décor and other Visual Arts

Are you a painter, sculptor, photographer, or seamstress? Are you able to help with set design or construction, or just have a flair for creating the right mood in a room? There is a place for you to use these talents. Let us know if you have a desire to express your love for the Lord in other artistic ways.

Faith Church – Minnetonka, Minnesota