Missions: Beyond Us

Beyond Us  (Missions)

Beyond Us is working together to help those beyond Faith Church

Join Us!

Beyond Us is able to support all of the below ministries with their own budget that stands as part of what we are doing at Faith Church.  Will you consider joining us in our mission to go beyond us?

For More Information: Give Plus:  Click on Mission

Dagoretti Corner (Kenya)

is part of the Elyon Christian Mission whose objectives are “to fight poverty, ignorance, and disease amongst the poor.” by running a Christian high school in Nairobi, preaching the gospel in Kenya and other African countries, helping in charitable projects and promoting the education, health, and general welfare of the people.

For More Information:  Diagoretti Corner

Transformation Church

Faith Church’s passion for Global Missions and church planting is evident through our relationship with Pastor Kim Bahige and the planting of Transformation Church in Burundi, Africa.

For More Information: Transformation Church

Development for Freedom International (Haiti)

DFI is an organization operating in Haiti founded by MS Kim, a Korean Canadian whose goals include “delivering the Gospel for lost souls to reunite with God”. Helen intends to use Faith’s financial gifts toward the work in the AGAPE program which serves boys who have been living on the streets by providing residence and schooling.

For More Information:  DFI

Wycliffe Bible Translators, Donna E.  (Southeast Asia Region)

Donna E. is our Wycliffe missionary, from Minnesota, who translates the Bible into the local languages. She has trained teams of local people to work with her on this formidable task. She also works on radio broadcasts of the bible.

For More Information:  WBT

A.C.P.E. Operating and Ministries (Guatamala)

Together, Giovanni and Magaly Sinay and Faith Church support ACPE, Asociacion Cristiana de Promocion Educative (Christian Association for the Promotion of Education). Growing this relationship has opened new doors and created new friendships. The Sinays have visited Faith Church three times. Groups from Faith Church spent two weeks in Guatemala in early 2016, and again in 2020, visiting the Sinays and seeing and participating in their ministries first-hand. In addition to their three church communities in different locations, a recent outreach is a radio ministry. On the horizon is a plan to buy land and build a school.

For More Information:  A.C.P.E

Dinner at Your Door

Once known as “Meals on Wheels”, this is a volunteer meal delivery system to home bound recipients that accomplishes three things: It allows people to remain in their homes. It gives people contact with the outside world. It gives peace of mind to family members that their relative is getting a good meal. Faith Church has supported this ministry for over 50 years as one of the original participants.

For More Information:  DYD

Faith Community Meal

Faith Church joins with a few other local churches who each provide a free evening meal to the community one Thursday evening each month. Church members donate food, supplies, and their time to organize these meals. The Beyond Us committee provides funds for food and supplies needed to supplement donations.

For More Information:  FCM

ICA Foodshelf

Faith Church was one of the five founding churches to help establish the ICA (Inter- Congregation Communities Association) food shelf in 1971 for Hopkins/Minnetonka. It now serves the communities of Hopkins, Minnetonka, Excelsior, Shorewood, Deephaven, Greenwood and Woodland. Although ICA is primarily a food shelf, it does have some financial resources to help with housing and other bills. It also helps with medical clinic and transportation information, housing assistance and some job search support. Once a year in spring, ICA sponsors a special “Empty Bowls” fund raising event for the food shelf which we also support separately.

For More Information:  ICA

Feed My Starving Children

is a Christian nonprofit organization who believes Jesus Christ has called us to feed the hungry and serve those in need. At an FMSC packing site, volunteers scoop various dry grain powders into plastic bags, and then heat seal them. When the bags reach their destination at almost any region on the globe, and are opened by a hungry child, and mixed with clean water, they become a nutritious meal. Faith Church supports FMSC financially, and we have also sent groups to an FMSC packing depot nearby in Chanhassen, MN.

For More Information:  FMSC

Life Rebuilders

is a Christian-based organization that is a residential ministry of Midwest Challenge, Inc. Faith church is involved with men recently released from prison, transitioning to life “outside”in the real world. We supply useable gym bags with personal toiletry items, a Bible, a watch, and writing supplies. The church mens’ group meets with these men twice in mid-winter for breakfast and a program at our church where they meet with each other and fill the bags together. The participants receive transitional help back into the community through the Life Rebuilders program. The men who have been in this program demonstrate a noticeably lower recidivism rate when compared to other former inmates.

For More Information:  LRBMN

Fellowship of Christian Athletes

 Ben Jacobs is the Minnesota Southwest Metro rep including Minnetonka and soon Hopkins. The organization identifies coaches and athletes as great influencers, particularly at the high school and college levels. FCA uses relational ministry to build Christ-centered leaders in the athletic arena, who then minister to others. Ben and his young family live nearby. They rely on gifts for their financial support.

For More Information: FCA

Faith Church – Minnetonka, Minnesota