Faith Church Staff

Faith Church
Staff Directory


Rev. Curt Brophy

     Pastor Curt comes to us from his home state of CO where he grew up on a small farm in the northeastern part of the state.  God’s sense of humor brought him back to church when he was a junior in high school, and he accepted Jesus as his savior at the beginning of his senior year.  When he started at the University of Northern Colorado he started getting involved with Campus Crusade for Christ.  In 2004 he went on a Summer Mission Project that would forever change his life; it's where he met his now wife, Kadra, and received his call to ministry.
     With that call, he switched to Bethel University and earned his Bible / Theology Major along with a Math Minor.  He then served in Fargo for two years before attending Dubuque Theological Seminary.  From 2011-2016 he served as an associate pastor in Overland Park KS at Knox Presbyterian when he then felt called to pursue a senior role.  From 2016- February of 2022 he served at Lookout Mountain Community Church in Evergreen, CO.  At the end of 2021 he began to realize God was calling him elsewhere and that’s when he found out about Faith Church.  Faith and Pastor Curt share a heart for the Gospel and he looks forward to “Going and making disciples!”
     Pastor Curt and his wife Kadra have been blessed with three beautiful girls:  Avery, Nora, and Kinsley.

Curt can be reached by email at:
[email protected]

Steve Zehr, Director of Worship and Fine Arts

Steve Zehr
Director of Worship
and Fine Arts

Steve Zehr considers it a privilege to have been leading worship at Faith since 2009 and now overseeing all of the worship at Faith Church. He traveled with a professional singing group in the mid 70's taking him all over the U.S. and Canada as well as performing as "The People Mover" in elementary schools and Six Flag Theme Parks. In 2002 he and his family moved here from South Florida where he lived for 23 years and received his BFA in music education from Florida Atlantic University. Over the years Steve has directed choirs from 20 – 230, led various ensemble groups, led a choir and band on a mission trip to Italy, taught chorus, band, and drama, directed over 25 musicals and 5 plays, directed over 35 Christmas programs, as well as several large passion plays with a cast of over 100. He has also performed for 12 years with the Gold Coast Opera company and was seen in several TV ads in South Florida and several other regions in the US. He has also performed in many community and regional theaters in the Twin Cities. He has been leading worship and music in churches for over 40 years.

Steve was married for almost 36 years before losing his wife Susan in 2018 to pneumonia and has 2 adult daughters, Heather and Katelynn and one grandson, Finn. Steve counts it an honor to be at Faith Church and prays the Lord will continue to use him in the life of the church.

Steve can be reached by email at:
[email protected]


Joa Sevlie
Pastor of Children's & Family Ministries

Joa Sevlie has been in Church ministry for over 20 years, as a Children's Director, a Youth Director, and a Christian Education Director. Joa has also had jobs in the private and public sector, where God has grown in her, a desire to teach Christians of all ages how to share their faith. Joa is a graduate of Bethel Seminary, with a Masters of divinity degree, with a focus on Transformational Leadership. Joa has lived in Minnesota for most of her life, and she loves the winter season best of all. She enjoys camping, reading, knitting, and designing carnival games.

Joa can be reached by email at


Joel Schmieg
Pastor of Student & Discipleship Ministries

Joel grew up in a family of nine in small-town Florida but grew allergic to the heat and moved to Virginia for college. He received his undergraduate degree in Music & Worship with a minor in Youth Ministry. From there he was called by God to the UK where he worked with Youth for Christ for three years to support local churches in youth, music, & outreach ministry. While in the UK, Joel met his wife Hannah and within a year they were married. They moved back to the US in January of 2022 and began the process of discerning their next call which finally led them to Faith Church in September of 2023. He is currently in the ECO ordination process as well as finishing up his seminary degree at Durham University in the UK.

Joel's best bud is his little boy and he loves watching sports with him, especially the Bengals, Buckeyes, and Reds.

Joel can be reached by email at [email protected]

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Rhonda Amon
Business Administrator


Rhonda is excited to be here to welcome all those that come through our doors and
direct them to the missions and ministries at Faith Church. Please reach out to her
with any questions you may have.

She has lived in this community since 1987 and hopes to walk to work. Rhonda and
Dave married in 1984 and raised two beautiful daughters. She is delighted to have
her granddaughter in our Sunday School program. Faith Church is her home church,
and she invites you to join her and the “Faith Family” as we serve God in this

Rhonda can be reached by email at [email protected]

Joe pic

Joe Franz
Building Associate

Joe is a new covenant partner at Faith Church and our newest member of staff helping in the tech booth every other Sunday and on our maintenance team. He is the the husband of Lynsey for 16 years and father of Camilla and Henry. He is also employed at FedEx when he is not at the church or with his family.


Joe can be reached at [email protected]


Todd Bjerke
Building Associate

Todd is a long time member of Faith Church. When he's not doing room set-ups, general maintenance or greeting guests, you may see him riding his bike.  An avid cycler for ten years, Todd is doing his best to survive mother nature!


Bill Slack
Director of Production and Technology

Bill has worn many hats at Faith Church and is excited to wear this next one as Faith continues to reach out into the community in new ways. A lover of live music and theater, you'll often find him wherever a stage exists - large or small. Bill is a father of 7 and has 6 grandkids so you'll rarely find him alone!

Faith Church – Minnetonka, Minnesota